How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes
How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes
Easy Kitchen Cleaning Tips
Cleaning the kitchen does not need to take as long as you think. Here is a rundown of a timeline for you to know How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes. Ready, Set, Go!
How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes
1-2 Minutes – Clean out your sink. Put all the dishes straight into the dish washer. Don’t have one? Call your spouse or child and voila! Done! Seriously though, if after each meal you put all the dishes in your dishwasher or just hand wash them at the end of the evening you won’t have a sink full of nasty dishes with food that is now old and stuck! Don’t put it off just get them done! If your sink was already clean of dishes just give a once over with All Purpose spray and move on to step two.
1 Minute – While you have your All Purpose spray out go ahead and wipe down your dishwasher, refrigerator doors and microwave. Do this every day will help with germ season too! We all touch the sink, fridge and microwave every day!
1 Minute – Clear off your counters and wipe them down as well. Move the mail/papers to your office, any food leftover needs to be wrapped up or put back in the fridge.
1 Minute – Wipe the floors down real quick with a broom or dry dust mop.If you have a small vacuum too that would do the trick!
Spend the last 5 minutes or so you have left doing one maybe even two of these Easy Kitchen Cleaning Tips listed below. Here are some things each week you can do to make sure your kitchen stay’s looking clean.
Mopping the floors – steam mops work great
Wipe down the cabinets and the backsplash, especially around the stove!
Wipe down switch plates and electrical sockets.
Clean the outside of your trash can
Wipe the inside of the microwave
Finally, Take Out the Trash. The night before trash day I will grab a new bag and go into each room of the house, and I empty each trash pail and walk around the rooms because I find that there is always something that was left behind. That’s How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes.
Every few months it is always good to get down to the nitty-gritty and clean other spots in your kitchen. Every month or so I will clean out the refrigerator and make sure nothing got push back to the back and it will also help my wife to see what is in the fridge so when she goes to make a grocery list she can actually see what we do have so we aren’t spending more on things that we currently have!
Every few months is also good to clean out your cabinets and wipe them down as well. Making sure that no crumbs make it inside or dust built up. Keeping unwanted critters away all year round!
Same with the utensil drawer too and even that “junk” drawer.
Finally the stove-hood filter, give that and your oven a good cleaning. Especially if you have a self-cleaning oven. Cut that on when you know you will be home for good 2-4 hours. Afterwards, you can just wipe off, and it’s done. One hint, don’t do it when the kids go to bed. I’ve had the smoke alarm go off a time or two, haha!
I hope these tips on How to Clean your Kitchen in less than 10 Minutes help you and please share with us any quick tips or hacks you might have!
March 14, 2016 @ 11:10 pm
I love the ideas to help clean up quick! The stove hood is something that I’ve found can actually make a big difference in how your kitchen smells, even if it doesn’t appear to need a cleaning. All these other tips of course help too, but that’s the one that I had experience with. Thanks for sharing!
May 10, 2016 @ 3:03 pm
I know what it is like to be busy and worry about balancing everything without losing your sanity. As a homeschooling mom of 5 incredibly different kids, including newborn twins, I have just about seen it all . . . But your tips are quite good… Thanks