How to Clean your room in 10 minutes
How to Clean your room in 10 Minutes
So many people have such a hard time with this but it can be so simple. I can show you How to clean your room in 10 minutes with just a few tips.
How to clean your room in 10 minutes can be a breeze. Just follow these few tips.
- Best thing to start off with is to pick up what was put down. Clothes just toss in a hamper, papers, wrappers and cups in the trash or sink! Whatever it is, as you pick it up just put it where it belongs or make a pile by your door so once you are done you can just put it where it needs to go next.
- As hard as this seems, Make your bed! Do you know by just doing this your room will look will look drastically cleaner! I promise, I did also read in the that, “Bed makers are also more likely to like their jobs, own a home, exercise regularly, and feel well rested, whereas non-bed-makers hate their jobs, rent apartments, avoid the gym, and wake up tired. All in all, bed makers are happier and more successful than their rumple-sheeted peers.” Just thought that was interesting! So making your bed takes all of maybe 2 minutes if you have a king size bed, I know I timed myself this morning! Make yourself a goal to do this EVERY day for just ONE month! See how easy it really is and I bet after that month you have created a habit and you won’t want to break this good habit either!
- As you are going around the room picking up everything once everything is picked up dust that area. I carry a little bucket with me where ever I go when I clean which has a damp dusting cloth and a cloth for windows and mirrors! Just give everything a once over with the cloth and you can keep your room dust free!
- Once you are all done just do a quick once over with the vacuum! Or even some days take a dust mop under your bed to collect any dust bunnies!
- Finally once I am done I will spray the room down with my DIY room freshener! You can get that recipe here.
Plus check out more tips and trick at such as
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April 9, 2016 @ 1:12 am
Thanks for the tips! I need to stay on top of my room or it turns into a disaster area.